Monday, October 17, 2011

31 Days in the Word: Ephesians 6:13

Raise your hand if you've ever heard a sermon preached on the armor of God.

(I'm betting most of ya'll could raise both hands and possibly a foot or two. It's a pretty popular passage.)

Today one of my best friends was going through a difficult time, and the Lord gave me a word to share with her, specifically the entire armor of God passage found in Ephesians 6:10-20. I sat outside my daughter's dance studio talking to my friend on the phone and reading off the Bible app on my iPod.

Even though the entire iPod screen was monochromatic, this verse leaped off the page at me. Specifically the "take up the whole armor of God" part. Even though the word was for my friend, it ministered to me in a powerful way. Yes, the armor of God is available to us. But it requires an action on our behalf. We have to take it up. I immediately knew this was one I needed to memorize, and memorize soon.

(BTW this card is in the ESV because that's what I have my app set to for default translation. I know the NIV says "put on" and I've heard "put on the armor of God" a zillion times in the last 16 years. But something about "take up" just shook me today and so I made the card with the ESV translation.)

I'll have a new card up tomorrow! Tonight I'm thankful for a fresh word, even from familiar verses. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read the card before I read your post and the same words stood out to me. Take up. That just seems so powerful to me tonight. Hope this encouraged your friend as much as it encouraged me. <3